Sunday, September 13, 2015

as the wind changes direction

WOW! Life is always moving and the wind is always changing direction. Here in the Wu Household we are constantly shifting and going with the flow of things. Big Daddy has transitioned into his new role as a stay at home dad (SAHD) while I transition into the role of the bread winner as a RN in a new hospital. We are all falling into our new patterns and habits pretty effortlessly. The new school year has been busy. The new flow has been established and all seems to be working thus far. Boy kid 1 has an incredibly busy schedule between band, academics, sports, and scouts. He doesn't drive yet so Big Daddy and I tag team to get him to and fro. Girl kid 2 is now in middle school and her transition has been amazing. She has all A's at this time and hasn't had even one missing or late assignment. She really struggled in elementary school and we took the leap to start medication for ADHD. We really did try every other option before medication...but her incredible success that she is currently experiencing is proof positive. I don't push medication for all...but in this particular has been a positive impact. She is no longer utterly exhausted and spinning when she returns home from school which also allows her to complete homework without a complete break down. She is feeling good about school and her abilities. I no longer hear from her that she can't do things. She has a new view of herself and is considering becoming a scientist. She never viewed herself as being an academic...and now she can see that she is fully capable of so many more things. Boy kid 2 is 2-1/2 and speaking in full sentences now. He is recognizing cause and effect relationships and acting accordingly. He has started preschool two mornings a week and loving his time there. He has friends that he is excited to see regularly and is even doing some of the art projects this year. I love when I come home from work each day that he greets me at the door with loving words and hugs.

Meanwhile, our homestead is becoming productive. Last week as I was letting the chickens into their run, I noticed a beautiful blue/green egg out there. Our Easter Egger, Ethel must have given us an egg on Friday but we didn't see it until Saturday morning as it was dark when we shut the run down for the night. Then again on Saturday night I found another egg from Ethel. Wow! those two little eggs were absolutely adorable and oh so tasty. Then by Tuesday we had another egg from Ethel and then a sweet little brown egg. We have no idea which of the other girls laid the brown egg but then she and Ethel blessed us again on Thursday. By Friday evening, we had yet another brown egg and this one is dramatically darker so I suspect we have a third girl producing eggs now. Everyone took yesterday off which is a well deserved break. That makes 7 eggs for us in our first week of production. Very soon we will be getting a lot more eggs that we can possibly enjoy but the comes the very fun part. I will be trading fresh eggs for other goods with friends. So far, I have Asian Pears in the loop and I am hoping that other great things will also be added into our circulation. I also have friends that want fresh eggs and they may just pay for the service. Folks have already asked how much it has cost to have chickens. Truth be told, I am not going to factor this first year into the cost as I consider this time frame the start up and it wouldn't be fair to put that much pressure on the girls. Once everyone is producing regularly, I will start to factor in costs and savings.

That is about it here on the homestead. Exciting days are ahead and we are ready and excited.

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